Thursday, November 3, 2011


Another Halloween has come and gone. This year was a lot of fun because the big girls were really into it. Anika definitely understood the concept of trick-or-treating. The more houses you go up to, the more candy you get. However, after an hour of trick-or-treating, Avery finally said, “I don’t want to get more candy!” That’s when we knew that the fun was over! :)

Here are some cute pictures from the ward’s Halloween party.

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Avery won the award for the best girl costume! (She won toothpaste!)


The actual day of Halloween was kind of interesting. Anika had her very first cavity filled. Here’s the thing. She was still pretty numb when it came time for Trick-or-Treating, so half of her face was pretty droopy. I thought it was so funny, so I kept asking her to give me BIG smiles. This was all she could muster…

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Brinley wasn’t too thrilled with the whole thing, but she sure was a cute little ladybug!

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At the end of the evening, I insisted on taking a few more pictures…

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I just love my little bugs!!!


  1. Your little bugs were adorable!! It looks like you guys had a fun Halloween!

  2. Your girls are all so cute! I love their costumes.

  3. Okay, Avery is the funniest person I know! Her facial expressions kill me! And Anika's face is so cute! Im sorry she got a cavity filled though, thats no fun!

  4. That's so fun that Avery was really into it. Spencer was starting to get the hang of it this year, but I bet by next year he'll be running from house to house. Since I still get to eat most of Spencer's candy I was the one running and telling him to catch up with me. :) They look so cute in their costumes!
