Friday, September 16, 2011

Anyone up for an Adventure?!?!…

Sean is in between quarters right now in school. We LOVE it when he has a break, however we don’t normally take advantage of it. Sean’s week long “vacations” from school are usually filled with household projects and honey-do lists. This week was different. We decided it was time for a family vacation. Destination? Washington DC! I’m sure some of you are thinking, “Washington DC, with three little kids? Are you crazy?!?” Well yes, yes we are. The girls definitely did not understand the significance of anything that we saw, but we had a great time nonetheless.

It was a fast and furious trip. We arrived on Monday evening. After checking into the hotel, we headed to the Washington DC temple for a nice Family Home Evening. It was fabulous. The girls LOVED the temple, and I loved chatting with a German sister missionary serving in the visitor’s center. :)


Tuesday was spent at the mall, the National Mall, that is. We got all of the classic pictures…

Washington Monument


White House


Nation’s Capital

(By the way, couldn’t the lady taking the picture see that Sean’s head was covering the capital!?!?!? Good grief.)


Lincoln Memorial



It’s kind of funny how we have a different number of kids in each picture. Although these pictures are great, and prove that we really were in Washington DC, they don’t sum up the memories that we made on this little trip. The following pictures better depict our family vacation.

Sweet little girls on the LONG drive.

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Sharing a pull-out bed at the hotel. Side note: One hour into our big Washington DC day on Tuesday, Anika said, “Can we just go back to the hotel?!”

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Riding the Metro into town.

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Climbing on the wall outside of the White House, and on every set of stairs we came across, and on every statue we passed…

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Riding a Carousel.

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Playing in the dirt. I didn’t get a picture of Anika playing in the dirt, but I seriously couldn’t keep the girls off of the ground. They also loved chasing the birds.


Anika’s broken leg. Don’t worry. It was really just a scratch. But you know, it was Anika. I’m pretty sure that by-standers thought she had actually broken her leg. It’s a good thing I came prepared with band-aids!

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National Museum of Natural History. Did you know that we came from apes?! Hmmm…

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Anika’s crazy performance on the Lincoln Memorial overlooking the Washington Monument and National Capital. This kid is a riot! And a pretty good dancer!

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Nap-time in the stroller.

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Sweet little Brinley. She was SO good on this trip!

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On Wednesday we decided to spend some time at the National Zoo before heading home. The girls loved it.

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Sean won the Father-of-the-Year Award for pushing three kids around on a two-kid stroller. Way to go, champ!


That about sums it up! We survived a family trip to Washington DC. Would we do it again? Absolutely. Would we prefer to do it without babies? Most definitely. But are we glad we did it? Of course. I sure do love this little family of mine, and spending 16+ hours in a minivan with them over the course of three days has only brought us closer. That being said, the next family vacation will be Disneyland. It’s a lot easier when the entertainment is provided.


  1. Wow so fun! You're turning into a Muhlestein with all that adventuring ;) We of course have only done stuff with two kids, but David's family would always travel ALL over the country with 11 kids at the max. So fun, I love DC and you packed a TON in to a short vacation!

  2. Sounds like a crazy trip! Looks like you all had fun and made memories though. You have a beautiful family. Miss you

  3. What a fun trip! We wish we had taken more advantage of living so close to the East Coast while we were in Ohio. Glad you had a fun time.

  4. All I have to say is I love the picture of the girls on the ape where Anika is smooching its shoulder. Glad you had so much fun! Oh, your girls crack me up!

  5. It looks like you guys had fun on your little trip! Your girls are so cute and getting so big!
