Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Anika is four years old and has just survived her second surgery! When she was about 18 months old, she had a hernia surgery. This time it was the tonsils. Oh what fun. For about two years, Sean and I have been telling her pediatrician that her tonsils are gigantic. She would gag on food, snore, gag when coughing, etc. We were finally able to meet with an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Specialist) about a month ago. He told me that the choice was ours as to whether or not to go through with the surgery. She didn’t have sleep-apnea or chronic sore throats, so she wasn’t a “must remove the tonsils” kind of a case. We chose to go through with it, and it’s a good thing we did.

Just after the surgery, I met with our ENT who told me that her tonsils were chronically infected! He also went ahead and took out her adenoids because they were blocking 70% of her nasal passage! Poor kid.

It has been a week and two days since the surgery, and I think that she is finally back to her normal little self. She is eating like normal, drinking like normal, and sleeping like normal. The only “not normal” part is her little voice! It has changed!

The week following the surgery was not fun, but Grandma Cordner was able to come, which gave Anika all the comfort she needed. We watched every princess movie Disney has ever made, including the new favorite “Tangled.” Thanks Grandma!

Avery has LOVED the past week. She didn’t get too much attention, but she did get all the popsicles and pudding she wanted!

Here are some pictures of my little sweetheart’s big day!

Before the surgery:

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After the surgery:

IMG_2652IMG_2655 IMG_2656 IMG_2657 IMG_2658IMG_2659


  1. angell! you've inspired me. we have been debating about my 4 year old's tonsils for a couple years now. he's the same as your daughter; doesn't really get sick a lot but snores like crazy/has a tough time eating, etc.

    you just gave me that extra push to get it done! thank you;)

    -oh, and she is the most adorable patient ever. and she has the same blanket as calvin, only his is blue. xoxo

  2. Poor girl! The after pictures are so sad but she is still so stinkin cute! Glad to hear things went well, and hope this is her last surgery for a really really long time! :)

  3. She's such a cute little girl, and seeing these pictures just pulled at my heart strings! I'm glad she made it through her surgery, and I hope she starts feeling better soon.

  4. Angell, you are so in tune. I am so impressed. I think I would have just been like okay I guess the doctor says it is okay. Way to stick with you gut feeling. You amaze me and she was such a cute little patient.

  5. Hope little Anika is doing better. She is such a trooper!
